Discipline under the rules and regulations that have been framed by the college.
- The working time of the college will commence from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM. All Saturdays will be working days except, the 2nd & 3rd Saturday which will be declared as a holiday.
- All the students should dress and be neat and tidy.
- The college has the full right to dismiss a pupil on grounds of irregular attendance, disobedience, or indulging in malpractice or objectionable behavior not in keeping with the good tone of the college inside the college campus or elsewhere.
- Any changes to the address or telephone number should be intimated to the college immediately.
- Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct are expected from each student.
- Damaging of the college/laboratory properties is strictly forbidden in case if it is damaged the student will be fined.
- Students must pay their fees/dues on or before the prescribed deadline failing which appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
- Any student found smoking or under the influence of intoxication of alcohol /drugs in the institute or in the Hostel is liable to strict disciplinary action which may be up to expulsion from the Institute.
- Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the ordinance, the following shall amount to acts of gross indiscipline.
- Ragging in any form within the premises of the institute, public transport, or surrounding of the Institute. Please refer to the detailed rules regarding the prevention of ragging.
- Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching, or non-teaching staff of the institute and any student within the premises of the institute, public transport surrounding the institute
- Carrying or threats to use any weapon
- Any Violation of the status, dignity, and honor of any student
- Any practice, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to woman
- Any attempt of bribery or corruption in any manner
- Willful destruction of the institute's property
- Creating ill will or intolerance on religious or communal ground
Note: Parents/Guardians are advised not to encourage their wards to remain absent without sufficient reasons during the academic session. Medical leave will be granted strictly only as per the Institute’s leave rules for the students.
Students are prohibited from taking part in ragging, political activity, or any activity that is determined to the dignity of the institute. Any student found violating the rule or bringing disrepute to the institute will be expelled from the institute
No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any injury, loss, or damage to the personal articles of students.
The use of Cell Phones / Mobile is strictly prohibited in all academic areas of the campus. The use of cell phones would entail confiscation of the handset. It would be returned only at the end of the course.
Hostel Rules & Regulations:
- Allocation of rooms- The Institute will allot the rooms based on certain norms and all the students have to accept the same. Exchange of room once allotted will not be permitted. Students found occupying different room other than the one allotted to them shall invite unpleasant actions.
- If any damage is found in rooms a fine of Rs. 500/- will be charged for the cost of replacement. If cupboards, Tables / Loft, and other items are damaged. The cost shall be recovered from the students.
- Any sort of breakage in the hostel room (ie. Bulbs, Chair, Table, Beds, Pillows, Window glasses, etc.) is to be replaced by the concerned students.
- Iron, Toaster, Oven water heater, Tea/Coffee maker, or other high voltage electric equipment are not to be used in the hostel room. If found such a student will face stern disciplinary action besides confiscation of the items and a fine of Rs. 500/- will be charged.
- Keeping jewelers (Gold) is not permitted.
- Hostel terraces are not to be visited.
- Visitors are not allowed inside. Visitors are to be met only on Sunday at the visitor’s reception. The class exemption is not allowed even if parents visit. Students are to inform the warden one day in advance regarding their visits. Parents are not also allowed to visit the Hostel room.
- If students are late after leaving or home pass after 4 PM they will not be allowed to enter in Hostel unless written permission from the Principal / Office.
- If any items / Food kinds of stuff to be purchased no guard is to send them outside withut the warden's information and that to be between 4 PM to 6 PM only.
- All the Postal and the parcels will be handed over to over to students daily checked by concerned authority / Office.